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The growing awareness of violence against women has resulted in endorsement of various international codes and conventions relating to physical, psychological and sexual violence. Female genital mutilation is one form of violence against women that has polarized people within and across national borders. Here, I explore its popular representation, consider how activism against genital mutilation has been confounded by sex and race and how activism to eradicate the practice is understood by immigrant women in Australia. In doing this, I draw on research conducted with women immigrants to Australia from north Africa (the Sahel areas) and the Middle East, from countries where female genital mutilation is most common. These women are often frustrated by what they see as contradictions in hospital policy and practice that arise in response to their requests to be reinfibulated after childbirth. I tease out the dilemmas that emerge when refusal is contrasted with other permissible practices of the body, such as hymen reconstruction, and given the commodification of bodies and related issues of age and agency, the individual and the community. The perceived discrepancies suggest to these African women that rights discourse is discriminatory, racist and informed by sensational portrayals of traditional practices. I question the ethics, values and rights that inform public discourse about sexual and reproductive rights, when women’s rights and values are so discrepant from our own ideals.  相似文献   
大学生亚健康问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应现代社会发展的需要,在我们提出构建和谐社会、以人为本理念的今天,培养良好的国民身体素质被提到了突出的高度.而当前中国大学生身体素质不佳已成为一个不争的事实.文章在分析影响大学生身心健康主要因素的基础上,探讨了当代大学生应具备的健康身体素质及加强大学生健康教育工作的途径.  相似文献   
在"领导-社会行为"的互动中,为了能获得双向的沟通,达到"共荣"而避免"共损",领导就必须树立公共关系意识。随着女性踏上领导岗位,其不可避免也要进行公共关系活动。但在公共关系视域下的女性领导者却面临着多重角色悖论,文章基于对这些悖论的分析,试图提出一些解决悖论的思路。  相似文献   
This essay combines Burke's burlesque frame and Jamieson's double binds to create a hybrid gendered theory for rhetorically analyzing the aggressive sexualization of 2008 United States vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The essay develops our theory titled the “burlesque binds” and explicates a specific form of a burlesque bind: the “MILF frame.” Palin's aggressively sexualized representation was united under the crass acronym MILF, which stands for “Mom I'd Like to Fuck.” The MILF frame emphasized Palin's feminine qualities, positioning her as a “trophy vice” with no political acumen, and highlighted her masculine behaviors, but deflated them through sexual objectification. The unification of the binds and burlesque theories reveals how Palin's role as a social actor was not simply circumscribed but shut down: she was deemed unfit by both masculine and feminine standards, by both public and private sphere conventions. Although Sarah Palin has arguably been the most prevalent subject of the political MILF frame, our essay catalogues other instances of female political leaders experiencing this type of symbolic degradation, suggesting the MILF frame's vast influence.  相似文献   
中国女性文学纵览   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国女性文学从遥远的历史深处走来 ,穿越时空 ,把女性自己写进文本 ,在历史长河留下了稀疏却温暖的灯光 ;“五四”运动将中国女性文学喷发成潮流 ,近百年来 ,中国女性文学在女性独立意识和价值上寻觅探求 ,并由外部世界逐步向女性内部空间挺进 ,在爱情、事业、姐妹情等古老又新奇的层面进行了执著又迷惘的文化探险 ,在苍凉又美丽的风景中迷茫又执著走向远方  相似文献   
张艺谋影片的女性意识 ,其真实的意义是“超性别”的。它通过女性创世纪的那种博大之爱的诠释 ,通过“女性神话”的展现 ,力图实现一种人类的自我总结、启蒙、发现 ,最终走向文化人类学的历史目标。张艺谋的影片同所有艺术品一样 ,产生于一定的文化背景 ,其女性意识的活力来自同这一背景的张力关系  相似文献   
“话语立场”即出场言说的角度和取向。女性意识是李清照《词论》话语立场的基点 ,《词论》是词体建构发展至该阶段的对词体内部音乐性和文学性这一矛盾的一种共时性把握 ,其词体本质论的思想基础也正是女性意识。今人对《词论》话语立场两种截然相反的阐释取向出自相同的阐释策略 ,均未能切中肯綮以至于南辕北辙。阐释视角的转换是为了拓展阐释的空间 ,将被取代和遮蔽的言说声音还原于历史主义的阐释链条  相似文献   
知识、赋权与自由--论明清才子佳人小说中的知识女性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明清才子佳人小说探讨了一个社会性别话题 :女性与知识的关系。在知识垄断的古代社会 ,尤其是后来科举为重的时代 ,知识就是权力 ,权力保证下的权利之路通向自由。对于只有知识没有权力的女性来说 ,知识体现出功利化与依附化的特征 ,从而揭示出只有当女性拥有评价、再生产知识的话语权时 ,即实现了自我赋权时 ,才能超越性别的社会桎梏 ,真正走向存在的自由境界。  相似文献   
姜峰 《河北学刊》2001,21(3):60-63
三四十年代是中国女性写作投身社会运动的时代 ,女性意识的变异使得女作家遮蔽或忽略自身独特的体认而竭力达到一种不分性别的认识高度。导致这种主体意识变化的原因既有社会、历史的因素 ,也有创作主体自身的因素。诸多方面的影响使得她们自觉或不自觉地以社会意识、政治意识作为主体意识的新支点 ,为女性意识注入新的质素 ,从而使文学创作风貌产生新的变化。这种变化几乎是群体性的 ,即整个女性写作都表现出一种对男性趋向的认同  相似文献   
主张通过男女人格的互补与共建来促进人的自由和谐发展,进而推动社会的自由高效发展,这是女权主义的创造性见解。中国现代著名戏剧家郭沫若,是女权主义这一主张的赞同者。他的历史剧所揭示的人格建设观,具体内涵包括:男性应当向女性学习人格,女性应当向男性学习人格,男女应当共同追求高尚人格。  相似文献   
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